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Who is this registration for?
Please provide a name and email address for a parent or guardian, they will need to sign off for you.
Parent/guardian first name:
Parent/guardian email:
In consideration of being accepted as a Volunteer, I, agree to follow NIOSA policies and adhere to any applicable Texas State Laws:
• I know of no physical or mental conditions that prevent me from safely performing my volunteer assignments.
• I will read and follow the Food/Beverage Handler Safety Requirements by the San Antonio Metro Health District posted in the booth.
• No children under the age of 12 are allowed in any food/cold drink booth.
• I understand only beer and wine products are allowed on the premises (NO LIQUOR). I agree that any personal containers I bring in or take out of the grounds are subject to inspection at any time and I must act responsibly in my own consumption of alcohol.
• I will not SMOKE, DRINK or EAT inside any booth.
If I am a volunteer working in an alcohol booth, I will adhere to the following NIOSA rules:
• I must be thirty (30) years or older with a current TABC certification.
• I understand the NIOSA Policy to I.D. EVERYONE.
• If I serve alcoholic beverages, I must personally check the ID of anyone I serve.
• I will only serve two (2) alcoholic beverages to a single customer at a time; I will not refill cups.
• I will not serve anyone under the age of 21 or anyone who appears to be intoxicated with any alcoholic beverage. I am aware that I am personally responsible and legally liable for my actions
• I understand all alcohol sales end promptly at 10 p.m. - no exceptions!
In consideration of the benefits and privileges of serving as a volunteer for A Night in Old San Antonio, the sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the Volunteer hereby releases the San Antonio Conservation Society, its directors, officers, employees, and other agents (SACS) from any and all liability for any damage or injury, including death, suffered by the Volunteer in connection with any work or other activities related to A Night In Old San Antonio, INCLUDING ANY SUCH DAMAGE OR INJURY CAUSED BY THE NEGLIGENCE OF SACS or otherwise; furthermore, any damages caused by the Volunteer shall be the sole responsibility of the Volunteer AND THE VOLUNTEER SHALL INDEMNIFY, HOLD HARMLESS, AND DEFEND SACS FROM AND AGAINST ANY AND ALL RESULTING CLAIMS, ACTIONS OR DAMAGES OF WHATEVER NATURE, WHETHER CAUSED BY OR CONTRIBUTED TO IN WHOLE OR IN PART BY THE NEGLIGENCE OF SACS OR OTHERWISE. This Release and Indemnification is binding upon my heirs, successors, and personal representatives and inures to the benefit of SACS, Conservation Celebration, and its successors and assigns.
I, the undersigned, have read and fully understand the NIOSA guidelines stated above. I also understand that I may be held personally liable should I not follow these guidelines and/or Texas State Law.
"A Night In Old San Antonio "® is a committee of the
San Antonio Conservation Society
227 S. Presa St., San Antonio, Tx 78205
(210) 226-5188 Office (210) 226-4942
In consideration of being accepted as a Volunteer, I, agree to follow NIOSA policies and adhere to any applicable Texas State Laws:
• I know of no physical or mental conditions that prevent me from safely performing my volunteer assignments.
• I will read and follow the Food/Beverage Handler Safety Requirements by the San Antonio Metro Health District posted in the booth.
• No children under the age of 12 are allowed in any food/cold drink booth.
• I understand only beer and wine products are allowed on the premises (NO LIQUOR). I agree that any personal containers I bring in or take out of the grounds are subject to inspection at any time and I must act responsibly in my own consumption of alcohol.
• I will not SMOKE, DRINK or EAT inside any booth.
If I am a volunteer working in an alcohol booth, I will adhere to the following NIOSA rules:
• I must be thirty (30) years or older with a current TABC certification.
• I understand the NIOSA Policy to I.D. EVERYONE.
• If I serve alcoholic beverages, I must personally check the ID of anyone I serve.
• I will only serve two (2) alcoholic beverages to a single customer at a time; I will not refill cups.
• I will not serve anyone under the age of 21 or anyone who appears to be intoxicated with any alcoholic beverage. I am aware that I am personally responsible and legally liable for my actions
• I understand all alcohol sales end promptly at 10 p.m. - no exceptions!
In consideration of the benefits and privileges of serving as a volunteer for A Night in Old San Antonio, the sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the Volunteer hereby releases the San Antonio Conservation Society, its directors, officers, employees, and other agents (SACS) from any and all liability for any damage or injury, including death, suffered by the Volunteer in connection with any work or other activities related to A Night In Old San Antonio, INCLUDING ANY SUCH DAMAGE OR INJURY CAUSED BY THE NEGLIGENCE OF SACS or otherwise; furthermore, any damages caused by the Volunteer shall be the sole responsibility of the Volunteer AND THE VOLUNTEER SHALL INDEMNIFY, HOLD HARMLESS, AND DEFEND SACS FROM AND AGAINST ANY AND ALL RESULTING CLAIMS, ACTIONS OR DAMAGES OF WHATEVER NATURE, WHETHER CAUSED BY OR CONTRIBUTED TO IN WHOLE OR IN PART BY THE NEGLIGENCE OF SACS OR OTHERWISE. This Release and Indemnification is binding upon my heirs, successors, and personal representatives and inures to the benefit of SACS, Conservation Celebration, and its successors and assigns.
I, the undersigned, have read and fully understand the NIOSA guidelines stated above. I also understand that I may be held personally liable should I not follow these guidelines and/or Texas State Law.
"A Night In Old San Antonio "® is a committee of the
San Antonio Conservation Society
227 S. Presa St., San Antonio, Tx 78205
(210) 226-5188 Office (210) 226-4942
Check here to show you accept the terms stated above for yourself or for a minor Volunteer for which you are the parental guardian.
IF UNDER 18 years of age
In consideration of being accepted as a Volunteer, I, agree to follow NIOSA policies and adhere to any applicable Texas State Laws:
• I know of no physical or mental conditions that prevent me from safely performing my volunteer assignments.
• I will read and follow the Food/Beverage Handler Safety Requirements by the San Antonio Metro Health District posted in the booth.
• No children under the age of 12 are allowed in any food/cold drink booth.
• I understand only beer and wine products are allowed on the premises (NO LIQUOR). I agree that any personal containers I bring in or take out of the grounds are subject to inspection at any time and I must act responsibly in my own consumption of alcohol.
• I will not SMOKE, DRINK or EAT inside any booth.
If I am a volunteer working in an alcohol booth, I will adhere to the following NIOSA rules:
• I must be thirty (30) years or older with a current TABC certification.
• I understand the NIOSA Policy to I.D. EVERYONE.
• If I serve alcoholic beverages, I must personally check the ID of anyone I serve.
• I will only serve two (2) alcoholic beverages to a single customer at a time; I will not refill cups.
• I will not serve anyone under the age of 21 or anyone that appears to be intoxicated with any alcoholic beverage. I am aware that I am personally responsible and legally liable for my actions
• I understand all alcohol sales end promptly at 10 p.m. - no exceptions!
In consideration of the benefits and privileges of serving as a volunteer for A Night in Old San Antonio, the sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the Volunteer hereby releases the San Antonio Conservation Society, its directors, officers, employees, and other agents (SACS) from any and all liability for any damage or injury, including death, suffered by the Volunteer in connection with any work or other activities related to A Night In Old San Antonio, INCLUDING ANY SUCH DAMAGE OR INJURY CAUSED BY THE NEGLIGENCE OF SACS or otherwise; furthermore, any damages caused by the Volunteer shall be the sole responsibility of the Volunteer AND THE VOLUNTEER SHALL INDEMNIFY, HOLD HARMLESS, AND DEFEND SACS FROM AND AGAINST ANY AND ALL RESULTING CLAIMS, ACTIONS OR DAMAGES OF WHATEVER NATURE, WHETHER CAUSED BY OR CONTRIBUTED TO IN WHOLE OR IN PART BY THE NEGLIGENCE OF SACS OR OTHERWISE. This Release and Indemnification is binding upon my heirs, successors, and personal representatives and inures to the benefit of SACS, Conservation Celebration, and its successors and assigns.
I, the undersigned, have read and fully understand the NIOSA guidelines stated above. I also understand that I may be held personally liable should I not follow these guidelines and/or
Texas State Law.
Student Name: _____________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Name for the student under the age of 18 __________________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________________
Contact #:___________________________________________________
"A Night In Old San Antonio "® is a committee of the
San Antonio Conservation Society
227 S. Presa St., San Antonio, Tx 78205
(210) 226-5188 Office (210) 226-4942